Logo coherent WaveBurst  
Library Reference Guide
Macros | Functions | Variables
cwb_report_cbc.C File Reference
#include "GToolbox.hh"
Include dependency graph for cwb_report_cbc.C:


#define CONTOURS   7
#define NCont   99
#define NRGBs   6
#define RHO_BIN   0.1
#define RHO_MIN   5.0
#define RHO_NBINS   5000


sim Add (sim_file_name)
mdc Add (mdc_file_name)
leg_snr AddEntry ("", lab, "a")
leg_snr AddEntry (htemp, lab, "l")
leg_snr AddEntry (htemp2, lab, "l")
leg_snr AddEntry (htemp3, lab, "l")
leg_D2 AddEntry (t0, "IFAR<1 yr", "p")
leg_D2 AddEntry (t1, "1 yr < IFAR < 10 yr", "p")
leg_D2 AddEntry (t10, "10 yr < IFAR < 100 yr", "p")
leg_D2 AddEntry (t100, "IFAR > 100 yr", "p")
cout<< "Zero-lag livetime: "<< Tscale *365.25<< " [days]"<< endl;c1-> Clear ()
efficiency Divide (inj_events)
gr Draw ("ap")
cout<< "Volume Density distribution passed as an option: "<< opt.Data()<< endl;DrawRadiusIFARplots(sim_file_name, mdc_file_name, shell_volume[0], opt);cbcTool.CreateDistanceParplots(sim_file_name, mdc_file_name, netdir, "mtot", MINMtot, MAXMtot, MAXDISTANCE/1000, 10, T_ifar, T_win, nIFO);cbcTool.CreateDistanceParplots(sim_file_name, mdc_file_name, netdir, "mchirp", MINCHIRP, MAXCHIRP, MAXDISTANCE/1000, 10, T_ifar, T_win, nIFO);cbcTool.CreateDistanceParplots(sim_file_name, mdc_file_name, netdir, "eta", 0.1, 0.25, MAXDISTANCE/1000, 10, T_ifar, T_win, nIFO);cbcTool.CreateDistanceParplots(sim_file_name, mdc_file_name, netdir, "iota", -1., 1., MAXDISTANCE/1000, 10, T_ifar, T_win, nIFO);cbcTool.CreateDistanceParplots(sim_file_name, mdc_file_name, netdir, "chieff", -1.0, 1.0, MAXDISTANCE/1000, 10, T_ifar, T_win, nIFO);cbcTool.CreateDistanceParplots(sim_file_name, mdc_file_name, netdir, "chip", 0.0, 1.0, MAXDISTANCE/1000, 10, T_ifar, T_win, nIFO);cbcTool.CreateDistanceParplots(sim_file_name, mdc_file_name, netdir, "distance", MINDISTANCE/1000, MAXDISTANCE/1000, MAXDISTANCE/1000, 30, T_ifar, T_win, nIFO);for(int i=0;i< RHO_NBINS;i++) { eVrho[i]=TMath::Sqrt(eVrho[i]);} cout<< "Vrho[0] = "<< Vrho[0]<< " +/- "<< eVrho[0]<< endl;cout<< "Vrho[RHO_NBINS-1] = "<< Vrho[RHO_NBINS - 1]<< " +/- "<< eVrho[RHO_NBINS - 1]<< endl;inj_events-> Draw ("colz")
p_inj Draw ()
hcandle Draw ("CANDLE")
mdc Draw (sel, "")
sim Draw (sel, newcut, "")
sim Draw (sel, newcut2, "same")
sim Draw (sel, newcut2)
D_Mtot_inj Draw ("p")
t0 Draw ("p same")
efficiency Draw ("colz text")
h_radius Draw ("colz TEXT")
 exit (1)
cout<< "Deletions..."<< endl;delete[] minMtot, maxMtot, minMChirp, maxMChirp, minDistanceXML, maxDistanceXML, minDistance, maxDistance, minRatio, maxRatio, shell_volume, FACTORS;delete[] waveforms, factor_events_inj, factor_events_spin_mtot_inj;delete c1, c2;delete inj_events, rec_events, factor_events_rec, D_Mtot_inj, inj_events_spin_mtot, rec_events_spin_mtot, rhocc, rho_pf, dchirp_rec, D_dchirp_rec;delete gr, gr2;for(int i=0;i< NBINS_mass1;i++) { delete[] volume[i];delete[] volume_first_shell[i];delete[] radius[i];delete[] error_volume[i];delete[] error_volume_first_shell[i];delete[] error_radius[i];} delete[] volume;delete[] volume_first_shell;delete[] radius;delete[] error_volume;delete[] error_volume_first_shell;delete[] error_radius;for(int i=0;i< NBINS_MTOT+1;i++) { delete[] spin_mtot_volume[i];delete[] spin_mtot_radius[i];delete[] error_spin_mtot_volume[i];delete[] error_spin_mtot_radius[i];} delete[] spin_mtot_volume;delete[] spin_mtot_radius;delete[] error_spin_mtot_volume;delete[] error_spin_mtot_radius;gSystem-> Exit (0)
D_Mtot_inj Fill (mass[1]+mass[0], distance)
inj_events_spin_mtot Fill (chi[2], mass[1]+mass[0])
factor_events_inj [ifactorFill (mass[0], mass[1])
 for (int i=0;i< nfactor;i++)
 pointers to detectors More...
 for (int i=1;i<=NBINS_mass;i++)
cout<< "cwb_report_cbc starts..."<< endl;TString SearchType=gSystem-> Getenv ("CBC_SEARCH_TYPE")
sim GetHistogram () -> Fit("gaus")
inj_events GetXaxis () -> SetRangeUser(MIN_plot_mass1, MAX_plot_mass1)
inj_events GetYaxis () -> SetRangeUser(MIN_plot_mass2, MAX_plot_mass2)
inj_events GetZaxis () -> SetTickLength(0.01)
 if (MDC.GetInspiralOption("--waveform") !="")
 if (MDC.GetInspiralOption("--min-mtotal") !="")
 if (MDC.GetInspiralOption("--max-mtotal") !="")
 if (MDC.GetInspiralOption("--min-distance") !="")
 if (ShellminDistance > minDistanceXML[gIFACTOR - 1])
 if (MDC.GetInspiralOption("--max-distance") !="")
 if (ShellmaxDistance< maxDistanceXML[gIFACTOR - 1])
 if (MDC.GetInspiralOption("--min-mratio") !="")
 if ((MDC.GetInspiralOption("--min-mass1") !="") &&(MDC.GetInspiralOption("--min-mass2") !=""))
 if (MDC.GetInspiralOption("--max-mratio") !="")
 if ((MDC.GetInspiralOption("--min-mass1") !="") &&(MDC.GetInspiralOption("--max-mass2") !=""))
 if ((MDC.GetInspiralOption("--max-mass1") !="") &&(MDC.GetInspiralOption("--min-mass2") !=""))
 if (MDC.GetInspiralOption("--d-distr") !="")
 if (MDC.GetInspiralOption("--dchirp-distr") !="")
 if (sim.GetListOfBranches() ->FindObject("ifar"))
 if ((ifactor > nfactor - 1)||(ifactor< 0))
 if (minchi)
 if (write_ascii)
 if (Redshift)
 if (if() c1->SetLogy(kTRUE) pp_rho_log)
gROOT LoadMacro (gSystem->ExpandPathName("$HOME_CWB/macros/DrawRadiusIFARplots.C"))
cout<< "Number of Factors:"<< nfactor<< endl;for(int l=0;l< nfactor;l++) { gIFACTOR=l+1;FACTORS[l]=gIFACTOR;gROOT-> Macro (configPlugin.GetTitle())
TChain mdc ("mdc")
finj open (fname3, std::ofstream::out)
vV push_back (vdv[mindex[0]])
veV push_back (pow(vdv[mindex[0]], 2))
vsifar push_back (vifar[mindex[0]])
vfar push_back (1./vifar[mindex[0]])
vefar push_back (TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Nint(liveTot/vifar[mindex[0]]))/liveTot)
c2 Range (-1.216392, -477.6306, 508.8988, 2814.609)
c1 SaveAs (fname)
p_inj SetBorderSize (0)
c2 SetBottomMargin (0.1450777)
mdc SetBranchAddress ("time", mytime)
mdc SetBranchAddress ("mass", mass)
mdc SetBranchAddress ("factor", &factor)
mdc SetBranchAddress ("distance", &distance)
mdc SetBranchAddress ("mchirp", &mchirp)
mdc SetBranchAddress ("spin", spin)
inj_events SetContour (NCont)
h_radius SetEntries (1)
p_inj SetFillColor (0)
htemp2 SetFillColor (kRed)
htemp3 SetFillColor (kBlue)
htemp2 SetFillStyle (3017)
cout<< "MDC set: "<< gIFACTOR<< endl;cout<< "xml conf: waveform="<< waveforms[gIFACTOR - 1]<< " minMtot="<< minMtot[gIFACTOR - 1]<< " maxMtot="<< maxMtot[gIFACTOR - 1]<< " minDistance="<< minDistance[gIFACTOR - 1]<< " maxDistance="<< maxDistance[gIFACTOR - 1]<< " minRatio="<< minRatio[gIFACTOR - 1]<< " maxRatio="<< maxRatio[gIFACTOR - 1]<< endl;} minchi=1;float MINMtot=0.0;if(bminMtot) { float MINMtot=0.99 *minMtot[gIFACTOR - 1];} float MAXMtot=100.0;int NBINS_MTOT=0;MAXMtot=MAX_MASS;NBINS_MTOT=TMath::FloorNint((MAX_MASS - MIN_MASS)/MASS_BIN/2.);cout<< "NBINS_MTOT: "<< NBINS_MTOT<< endl;if(!bmaxMtot) { cout<< "Undefined maximal total mass!! Using default, i.e. " "100.0"<< endl;} float MINDISTANCE=0.0;if(bminDistance) { MINDISTANCE=0.9 *ShellminDistance;cout<< "MINDISTANCE = "<< MINDISTANCE<< endl;} else { cout<< "Undefined minimal distance!! Using default, i.e. 0"<< endl;} float MAXDISTANCE=5000000;if(bmaxDistance) { MAXDISTANCE=maxDistance[gIFACTOR - 1];cout<< "MAXDISTANCE = "<< MAXDISTANCE<< endl;} else { cout<< "Undefined maximal distance !! Using default, i.e. 5 " "Gpc." "You can define a MAXDISTANCE in pp par file, e.g. " "#define FIXMINDISTANCE 5000000"<< endl;} float MINCHIRP=100.0;float MAXCHIRP=0.0;float MINRATIO=1.0;float MAXRATIO=10.0;if((bminRatio) &&(bmaxRatio)) { MAXRATIO=maxRatio[gIFACTOR - 1];MINRATIO=minRatio[gIFACTOR - 1];} else { cout<< "Undefined min/max Ratio.. Using default [1; 10] "<< endl;} MINCHIRP=MINMtot *pow(MAXRATIO, 3./5.)/pow(1+MAXRATIO, 6./5.);MAXCHIRP=MAXMtot/pow(2, 6./5.);for(int l=0;l< nfactor - 1;l++) { if((minDistanceXML[l]==minDistanceXML[l+1]) &&(maxDistanceXML[l]==maxDistanceXML[l+1])) { FixedFiducialVolume=1;} else { FixedFiducialVolume=1;cout<< "Beware: different fiducial volumes for " "different factors!!"<< endl;} } if(strlen(veto_not_vetoed)==0) { sprintf(veto_not_vetoed, "%s", ch2);} TCanvas *c1=new TCanvas("c1", "c1", 3, 47, 1000, 802);c1-> SetGridx ()
c1 SetGridy ()
gr SetLineColor (kBlue)
htemp SetLineColor (kBlack)
htemp2 SetLineColor (kRed)
htemp SetLineWidth (3)
htemp2 SetLineWidth (2)
c1 SetLogx (1)
c1 SetLogx (0)
c1 SetLogx (false)
c1 SetLogy (1)
c1 SetLogy (false)
D_Mtot_inj SetMarkerColor (2)
Dt SetMarkerColor (4)
rhocc SetMarkerColor (1)
sim SetMarkerColor (kRed)
sim SetMarkerColor (kBlue)
t1 SetMarkerColor (kGreen+2)
t10 SetMarkerColor (kCyan)
t100 SetMarkerColor (kOrange)
h_radius SetMarkerColor (kWhite)
D_Mtot_inj SetMarkerSize (0.5)
gr SetMarkerSize (1.0)
D_Mtot_inj SetMarkerStyle (20)
D_Mtot_inj SetName ("D_Mtotinj")
efficiency SetName ("efficiency")
gStyle SetOptFit (1)
gStyle SetOptFit (0)
cout<< "Selection: "<< sel<< endl;gStyle-> SetOptStat (1)
gStyle SetOptStat (0)
gStyle SetPaintTextFormat ("4.2f")
c2 SetRightMargin (0.154618)
rhocc SetStats (kFALSE)
p_inj SetTextColor (1)
p_inj SetTextFont (32)
p_inj SetTextSize (0.045)
inj_events SetTitle ("")
rhocc SetTitle ("0 < cc < 1")
rho_pf SetTitle ("chi2")
cout<< "nwave_final : "<< nwave_final<< endl;sprintf(title, "%s", newcut);sprintf(title, "%s", myptitle.Data());htemp-> SetTitle (title)
htemp4 SetTitle ("Estimated vs Injected network SNR")
rhocc SetTitleOffset (1.3, "Y")
c2 SetTopMargin (0.07642487)
TChain sim ("waveburst")
 sprintf (fname3, "%s/injected_signals.txt", netdir)
 sprintf (line, "#GPS@L1 mass1 mass2 distance spinx1 spiny1 spinz1 " "spinx2 spiny2 spinz2 \)
 sprintf (fname, "%s/ROCV.png", netdir)
 sprintf (fname, "%s/ROC.png", netdir)
 sprintf (inj_title, "Injected events")
 sprintf (fname, "%s/Injected_mass1_mass2.eps", netdir)
 sprintf (fname, "%s/Dchirp_candle.png", netdir)
 sprintf (fname, "%s/Dchirp_candle2.png", netdir)
 sprintf (fname, "%s/Delta_t.png", netdir)
 sprintf (sel, "%s)>>hist(500)", sel)
 sprintf (newcut, "(((time[0]-time[%d])>-%g) || (time[0]-time[%d])<%g) " "&& rho[%d]> %g", nIFO, T_win, nIFO, 2 *T_win, pp_irho, T_cut)
 sprintf (sel, "sqrt(iSNR[%d]", 0)
 sprintf (lab, "Injections Average SNR: %g", htemp->GetMean())
 sprintf (lab, "Injected: %i", nmdc)
 sprintf (lab, "Found(minimal cuts): %i", nwave)
 sprintf (lab, "Found(final cuts): %i", nwave_final)
 sprintf (fname, "%s/Injected_snr_distributions.png", netdir)
 sprintf (fname, "%s/Estimated_snr_vs_Injected_snr.eps", netdir)
 sprintf (fname, "%s/Relative_snr_Loss.png", netdir)
 sprintf (fname, "%s/Distance_vs_total_mass_ifar.eps", netdir)
 sprintf (eff_title, "Efficiency")
 sprintf (radius_title, "%s : Effective radius (Mpc)", networkname)
 sprintf (fname, "%s/Effective_radius.png", netdir)
 strcpy (cfg->tmp_dir, "tmp")
c1 Update ()


int actual_nfactor = 0
cout<< "Injected signals: "<< mdc.GetEntries()<< endl;cout<< "Injected signals in histogram factor_events_inj: "<< NEVTS<< endl;float myifar, ecor, m1, m2, netcc[3], neted, penalty;float rho[2];float chirp[6];float range[2];float frequency[2];float iSNR[3], sSNR[3];sim.SetBranchAddress("mass", mass);sim.SetBranchAddress("factor", &factor);sim.SetBranchAddress("range", range);sim.SetBranchAddress("chirp", chirp);sim.SetBranchAddress("rho", rho);sim.SetBranchAddress("netcc", netcc);sim.SetBranchAddress("neted", &neted);sim.SetBranchAddress("ifar", &myifar);sim.SetBranchAddress("ecor", &ecor);sim.SetBranchAddress("penalty", &penalty);sim.SetBranchAddress("time", mytime);sim.SetBranchAddress("iSNR", iSNR);sim.SetBranchAddress("sSNR", sSNR);sim.SetBranchAddress("spin", spin);sim.SetBranchAddress("frequency", frequency);float **volume=new float *[NBINS_mass1];float **volume_first_shell=new float *[NBINS_mass1];float **radius=new float *[NBINS_mass1];float **error_volume=new float *[NBINS_mass1];float **error_volume_first_shell=new float *[NBINS_mass1];float **error_radius=new float *[NBINS_mass1];for(int i=0;i< NBINS_mass1;i++) { volume[i]=new float[NBINS_mass2];volume_first_shell[i]=new float[NBINS_mass2];radius[i]=new float[NBINS_mass2];error_volume[i]=new float[NBINS_mass2];error_volume_first_shell[i]=new float[NBINS_mass2];error_radius[i]=new float[NBINS_mass2];for(int j=0;j< NBINS_mass2;j++) { volume[i][j]=0.;volume_first_shell[i][j]=0.;radius[i][j]=0.;error_volume[i][j]=0.;error_volume_first_shell[i][j]=0.;error_radius[i][j]=0.;} } float **spin_mtot_volume=new float *[NBINS_MTOT+1];float **spin_mtot_radius=new float *[NBINS_MTOT+1];float **error_spin_mtot_volume=new float *[NBINS_MTOT+1];float **error_spin_mtot_radius=new float *[NBINS_MTOT+1];for(int i=0;i< NBINS_MTOT+1;i++) { spin_mtot_volume[i]=new float[NBINS_SPIN+1];spin_mtot_radius[i]=new float[NBINS_SPIN+1];error_spin_mtot_volume[i]=new float[NBINS_SPIN+1];error_spin_mtot_radius[i]=new float[NBINS_SPIN+1];for(int j=0;j< NBINS_SPIN+1;j++) { spin_mtot_volume[i][j]=0.;error_spin_mtot_volume[i][j]=0.;spin_mtot_radius[i][j]=0.;error_spin_mtot_radius[i][j]=0.;} } char fname[1024];sprintf(fname, "%s/recovered_signals.txt", netdir);ofstream fev;fev.open(fname, std::ofstream::out);sprintf(line, "#GPS@L1 FAR[Hz] eFAR[Hz] Pval " "ePval factor rho frequency iSNR sSNR \");fev<< line<< endl;ofstream *fev_single=new ofstream[nfactor];for(int l=1;l< nfactor+1;l++) { sprintf(fname, "%s/recovered_signals_%d.txt", netdir, l);fev_single[l - 1].open(fname, std::ofstream::out);fev_single[l - 1]<< line<< endl;} double Vrho[RHO_NBINS], eVrho[RHO_NBINS], Rrho[RHO_NBINS], eRrho[RHO_NBINS], Trho[RHO_NBINS];for(int i=0;i< RHO_NBINS;i++) { Vrho[i]=0.;eVrho[i]=0.;Rrho[i]=0.;eRrho[i]=0.;Trho[i]=RHO_MIN+i *RHO_BIN;} double dV, dV1, dV_spin_mtot, nevts, internal_volume;int nT;int countv=0;int cnt=0;int cnt2=0;int cntfreq=0;bool bcut=false;double liveTot=sim.GetMaximum("ifar");double BKG_LIVETIME_yr=liveTot/CYS;double BKG_LIVETIME_Myr=BKG_LIVETIME_yr/(1.e6);cout.precision(14);cout<< "Total live time ---> background
bool bmaxDistance
bool bmaxMass1
bool bmaxMass2
bool bmaxMtot
bool bmaxRatio
bool bminDistance
bool bminMass1
bool bminMass2
bool bminMtot
bool bminRatio
TCanvas * c2 = new TCanvas("c2", "c2", 3, 47, 1000, 802)
CWB::configcfg = new CWB::config
float chi [3]
float CHI_BIN = 0.66666
cout<< "Length of ifar/volume vector: "<< vV.size()<< endl;for(int i=0;i< vV.size();i++) { veV[i]=TMath::Sqrt(veV[i]);vfar[i] *=TRIALS *CYS;vefar[i] *=TRIALS *CYS;vsifar[i]/=(TRIALS *CYS);} c1-> Clear ()
float CYS
int cz
TH3F * D_dchirp_rec
TH2F * D_Mtot_inj
TH3F * D_Mtot_rec3
TH2F * dchirp_rec
bool DDistrChirpMass
bool DDistrUniform
bool DDistrVolume
float distance
char eff_title [256]
TH2F * efficiency = (TH2F*)rec_events->Clone()
TH2F * efficiency_first_shell = (TH2F*)factor_events_rec->Clone()
TExec * ex1 = new TExec("ex1", "gStyle->SetPaintTextFormat(\".2f\");")
TF1 * f2
float factor
TH2F * factor_events_inj = new TH2F[nfactor]
TH2F * factor_events_rec
float * FACTORS = new float[nfactor]
finj<< line<< endl;ofstream *finj_single=new ofstream[nfactor];TString xml;for(int l=0;l< nfactor;l++) { sprintf(fname3, "%s/injected_signals_%d.txt", netdir, l+1);finj_single[l].open(fname3, std::ofstream::out);finj_single[l]<< line<< endl;} for(int g=0;g<(int) mdc.GetEntries();g++) { mdc.GetEntry(g);ifactor=(int) factor - 1;if(Redshift) { if(PointMasses) { mass[0]=SFmasses[ifactor][0];mass[1]=SFmasses[ifactor][1];} mchirp=pow(mass[0] *mass[1], 3./5.)/pow(mass[0]+mass[1], 1./5.);} inj_events-> Fill (mass[0], mass[1])
ofstream finj
bool FixedFiducialVolume
float FMC = 0.0
char fname3 [2048]
cout<< "nmdc : "<< nmdc<< endl;TH2F *htemp=(TH2F *) gPad-> GetPrimitive ("hist")
int gIFACTOR = -1
TGraphErrors * gr
TGraphErrors * gr2
TH2F * h_radius
TH1 * hcandle = D_dchirp_rec->Project3D("yx")
TH2F * htemp4 = (TH2F*)gPad->GetPrimitive("hist4")
TH2F * htemp5 = (TH2F*)gPad->GetPrimitive("hist5")
int ifactor
TH2F * inj_events
char inj_title [256]
TString Insp = MDC.GetInspiral()
int l
char lab [256]
TLegend * leg_D2
 leg_snr = new TLegend(0.53,0.70,0.95,0.92, "", "brNDC")
char line [1024]
double liveZero
int m
float M1
float M2
float mass [2]
float MASS_BIN = 15.0
int massbins = 0
int MAX_AXIS_Z = inj_events->GetBinContent(inj_events->GetMaximumBin()) + 1
float MAX_MASS = 150.0
float max_mass1 = MAX_MASS
float max_mass2 = MAX_MASS
float MAX_plot_mass1 = 150.0
float MAX_plot_mass2 = 100.0
float MAXCHI = 1.0
float * maxDistance = new float[nfactor]
float * maxDistanceXML = new float[nfactor]
double MAXIFAR = 0.0
float * maxMChirp = new float[nfactor]
float * maxMtot = new float[nfactor]
float * maxRatio = new float[nfactor]
float mchirp
int mcount = 0
CWB::mdc MDC (net)
float MIN_MASS = 0.0
float min_mass1 = MIN_MASS
float min_mass2 = MIN_MASS
float MIN_plot_mass1 = 0.0
float MIN_plot_mass2 = 0.0
float MINCHI = -1.0
bool minchi
float * minDistance = new float[nfactor]
float * minDistanceXML = new float[nfactor]
float * minMChirp = new float[nfactor]
float * minMtot = new float[nfactor]
float * minRatio = new float[nfactor]
int mtt
double mytime [6]
int NBINS_mass = (int)((MAX_MASS - MIN_MASS) / MASS_BIN)
int NBINS_mass1 = (int)((max_mass1 - min_mass1) / MASS_BIN)
int NBINS_mass2 = (int)((max_mass2 - min_mass2) / MASS_BIN)
networknet = NULL
double NEVTS = 0.0
Int_t nGraphs = 0
int nmdc = mdc.GetSelectedRows()
int nwave = sim.GetSelectedRows()
int nwave_final = sim.GetSelectedRows()
TString opt = SearchType
TPaveText * p_eff
TPaveText * p_inj
 p_radius = new TPaveText(0.325301, 0.926166, 0.767068, 0.997409, "blNDC")
int point
bool PointMasses
char radius_title [256]
TH2F * rec_events
bool Redshift
TH2F * rho_pf
TH2F * rhocc
float * shell_volume = new float[nfactor]
float ShellmaxDistance = 0.0
float ShellminDistance = 9999999.0
float spin [6]
TH1 * t0 = D_Mtot_rec3->Project3D("yx_0")
TH1 * t1 = D_Mtot_rec3->Project3D("yx_1")
TH1 * t10 = D_Mtot_rec3->Project3D("yx_10")
TH1 * t100 = D_Mtot_rec3->Project3D("yx_100")
TText * text = p_inj->AddText(inj_title)
TLatex Tl
TLatex Tl2
Int_t TotalConts = 0
float Tscale = 1.0
double V0 = 0.0
char val [20]
std::vector< double > vdv
std::vector< double > vefar
std::vector< double > veR
std::vector< double > veV
std::vector< double > vfar
std::vector< double > vifar
std::vector< double > vR
std::vector< double > vseifar
std::vector< double > vsifar
cout<< endl;if(write_ascii) { fev.close();for(int l=0;l< nfactor;l++) { fev_single[l].close();} } cout<< "Recovered entries: "<< cnt<< endl;cout<< "Recovered entries: "<< cnt2<< endl;cout<< "Recovered entries cut by frequency: "<< cntfreq<< endl;cout<< "Recovered entries vetoed: "<< countv<< endl;cout<< "dV : "<< dV<< " dV1 : "<< dV1<< endl;internal_volume=4./3. *TMath::Pi() *pow(minDistance[0]/1000., 3.);if(INCLUDE_INTERNAL_VOLUME) { for(int i=0;i< vdv.size();i++) { if(vdv[i] > 0.0) { vdv[i]+=internal_volume;} } for(int i=0;i< RHO_NBINS;i++) { if(Vrho[i] > 0.0) { Vrho[i]+=internal_volume;} } for(int i=0;i< NBINS_MTOT+1;i++) { for(int j=0;j< NBINS_SPIN+1;j++) { if(spin_mtot_volume[i][j] > 0.0) { spin_mtot_volume[i][j]+=internal_volume;} } } for(int i=0;i< NBINS_mass;i++) { for(int j=0;j< NBINS_mass2;j++) { if(volume[i][j] > 0.0) { volume[i][j]+=internal_volume;} } } } Int_t *mindex=new Int_t[vdv.size()];TMath::Sort((int) vdv.size(), &vifar[0], mindex, true);std::vector< double > vV
TStringwaveforms = new TString[nfactor]
bool write_ascii = false
Double_t x0
Float_t xq [6] = {8.0, 15.0, 25.0, 35.0, 45.0, 55.0}
Double_t Y0
Float_t * yq = new Float_t[101]
Double_t z0

Macro Definition Documentation


#define CONTOURS   7

Definition at line 23 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ NCont

#define NCont   99


#define NRGBs   6


#define RHO_BIN   0.1

Definition at line 21 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.


#define RHO_MIN   5.0

Definition at line 20 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.


#define RHO_NBINS   5000

Definition at line 22 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

Function Documentation

◆ Add() [1/2]

sim Add ( sim_file_name  )

◆ Add() [2/2]

mdc Add ( mdc_file_name  )

◆ AddEntry() [1/8]

legl AddEntry ( ""  ,
lab  ,

◆ AddEntry() [2/8]

leg_snr AddEntry ( htemp  ,
lab  ,

◆ AddEntry() [3/8]

leg_snr AddEntry ( htemp2  ,
lab  ,

◆ AddEntry() [4/8]

leg_snr AddEntry ( htemp3  ,
lab  ,

◆ AddEntry() [5/8]

leg_D2 AddEntry ( t0  )

◆ AddEntry() [6/8]

leg_D2 AddEntry ( t1  )

◆ AddEntry() [7/8]

leg_D2 AddEntry ( t10  )

◆ AddEntry() [8/8]

leg_D2 AddEntry ( t100  ,
100 yr"  ,

◆ Clear()

cout<< "Zero-lag livetime: " << Tscale * 365.25 << " [days]" << endl; c1-> Clear ( )

Definition at line 1279 of file CWB_Plugin_xWRC.C.

◆ Divide()

efficiency Divide ( inj_events  )

◆ Draw() [1/12]

gr2 Draw ( "ap"  )

◆ Draw() [2/12]

pf_cc Draw ( "colz"  )

◆ Draw() [3/12]

legl Draw ( )

◆ Draw() [4/12]

dchirp_rec Draw ( "CANDLE"  )

◆ Draw() [5/12]

mdc Draw ( sel  ,

◆ Draw() [6/12]

sim Draw ( sel  ,
newcut  ,

◆ Draw() [7/12]

sim Draw ( sel  ,
newcut2  ,

◆ Draw() [8/12]

sim Draw ( sel  ,

◆ Draw() [9/12]

D_Mtot_inj Draw ( "p"  )

◆ Draw() [10/12]

t100 Draw ( "p same"  )

◆ Draw() [11/12]

efficiency Draw ( "colz text )

◆ Draw() [12/12]

h_radius Draw ( "colz TEXT"  )

◆ exit()

exit ( )

◆ Exit()

cout<< "Deletions..." << endl; delete[] minMtot, maxMtot, minMChirp, maxMChirp, minDistanceXML, maxDistanceXML, minDistance, maxDistance, minRatio, maxRatio, shell_volume, FACTORS; delete[] waveforms, factor_events_inj, factor_events_spin_mtot_inj; delete c1, c2; delete inj_events, rec_events, factor_events_rec, D_Mtot_inj, inj_events_spin_mtot, rec_events_spin_mtot, rhocc, rho_pf, dchirp_rec, D_dchirp_rec; delete gr, gr2; for (int i = 0; i < NBINS_mass1; i++) { delete[] volume[i]; delete[] volume_first_shell[i]; delete[] radius[i]; delete[] error_volume[i]; delete[] error_volume_first_shell[i]; delete[] error_radius[i]; } delete[] volume; delete[] volume_first_shell; delete[] radius; delete[] error_volume; delete[] error_volume_first_shell; delete[] error_radius; for (int i = 0; i < NBINS_MTOT + 1; i++) { delete[] spin_mtot_volume[i]; delete[] spin_mtot_radius[i]; delete[] error_spin_mtot_volume[i]; delete[] error_spin_mtot_radius[i]; } delete[] spin_mtot_volume; delete[] spin_mtot_radius; delete[] error_spin_mtot_volume; delete[] error_spin_mtot_radius; gSystem-> Exit ( )

◆ Fill() [1/3]

D_Mtot_inj Fill ( mass mass[1][0],

◆ Fill() [2/3]

inj_events_spin_mtot Fill ( chi  [2],
mass mass[1][0] 

◆ Fill() [3/3]

factor_events_inj [ifactor] Fill ( mass  [0],
mass  [1] 

◆ for() [1/2]

for ( )

pointers to detectors

Definition at line 619 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ for() [2/2]

for ( int  i = 1; i <= NBINS_massi++)

Definition at line 2052 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ Getenv()

cout<< "cwb_report_cbc starts..." << endl; TString SearchType = gSystem-> Getenv ( "CBC_SEARCH_TYPE"  )

Definition at line 111 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ GetHistogram()

FarPlot GetHistogram ( ) -> Fit("gaus")

◆ GetXaxis()

inj_events GetXaxis ( ) -> SetRangeUser(MIN_plot_mass1, MAX_plot_mass1)

Definition at line 569 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ GetYaxis()

h2gd GetYaxis ( ) -> SetRangeUser(MIN_plot_mass2, MAX_plot_mass2)

Definition at line 570 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ GetZaxis()

h2gd GetZaxis ( ) -> SetTickLength(0.01)

◆ if() [1/20]

if ( MDC.GetInspiralOption("--waveform") !  = "")

Definition at line 210 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ if() [2/20]

if ( MDC.GetInspiralOption("--min-mtotal") !  = "")

Definition at line 213 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ if() [3/20]

if ( MDC.GetInspiralOption("--max-mtotal") !  = "")

Definition at line 218 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ if() [4/20]

if ( MDC.GetInspiralOption("--min-distance") !  = "")

Definition at line 224 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ if() [5/20]

if ( ShellminDistance  ,
minDistanceXML  [gIFACTOR - 1] 

Definition at line 229 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ if() [6/20]

if ( MDC.GetInspiralOption("--max-distance") !  = "")

Definition at line 232 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ if() [7/20]

if ( )

Definition at line 237 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ if() [8/20]

if ( MDC.GetInspiralOption("--min-mratio") !  = "")

Definition at line 241 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ if() [9/20]

if ( (MDC.GetInspiralOption("--min-mass1") !="") &&(MDC.GetInspiralOption("--min-mass2") !="")  )

Definition at line 246 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ if() [10/20]

if ( MDC.GetInspiralOption("--max-mratio") !  = "")

Definition at line 253 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ if() [11/20]

if ( (MDC.GetInspiralOption("--min-mass1") !="") &&(MDC.GetInspiralOption("--max-mass2") !="")  )

Definition at line 258 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ if() [12/20]

if ( (MDC.GetInspiralOption("--max-mass1") !="") &&(MDC.GetInspiralOption("--min-mass2") !="")  )

Definition at line 267 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ if() [13/20]

if ( MDC.GetInspiralOption("--d-distr") !  = "")

Definition at line 276 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ if() [14/20]

if ( MDC.GetInspiralOption("--dchirp-distr") !  = "")

Definition at line 304 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ if() [15/20]

if ( sim.  GetListOfBranches) ->FindObject("ifar")

Definition at line 756 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ if() [16/20]

if ( (ifactor > nfactor - 1)||(ifactor< 0)  )

Definition at line 864 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ if() [17/20]

if ( minchi  )

Definition at line 869 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ if() [18/20]

if ( write_ascii  )

Definition at line 877 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ if() [19/20]

if ( Redshift  )

Definition at line 1428 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ if() [20/20]

if ( if () c1->SetLogy(kTRUE)  pp_rho_log)

Definition at line 1624 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ LoadMacro()

gROOT LoadMacro ( gSystem->  ExpandPathName"$HOME_CWB/macros/DrawRadiusIFARplots.C")

◆ Macro()

cout<< "Number of Factors:" << nfactor << endl; for (int l = 0; l < nfactor; l++) { gIFACTOR = l + 1; FACTORS[l] = gIFACTOR; gROOT-> Macro ( configPlugin.  GetTitle())

◆ mdc()

TChain mdc ( "mdc"  )

◆ open()

finj open ( fname3  ,

◆ push_back() [1/5]

vV push_back ( vdv [mindex[0])

◆ push_back() [2/5]

veV push_back ( pow(vdv[mindex[0]], 2)  )

◆ push_back() [3/5]

vsifar push_back ( vifar [mindex[0])

◆ push_back() [4/5]

vfar push_back ( 1./vifar [mindex[0])

◆ push_back() [5/5]

vefar push_back ( TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Nint(liveTot/vifar[mindex[0]]))/  liveTot)

◆ Range()

c2 Range ( -1.  216392,
-477.  6306,
508.  8988,
2814.  609 

◆ SaveAs()

c2 SaveAs ( fname  )

◆ SetBorderSize()

p_radius SetBorderSize ( )

◆ SetBottomMargin()

c2 SetBottomMargin ( 0.  1450777)

◆ SetBranchAddress() [1/6]

mdc SetBranchAddress ( "time"  ,

◆ SetBranchAddress() [2/6]

mdc SetBranchAddress ( "mass"  ,

◆ SetBranchAddress() [3/6]

mdc SetBranchAddress ( "factor"  ,

◆ SetBranchAddress() [4/6]

mdc SetBranchAddress ( "distance"  ,

◆ SetBranchAddress() [5/6]

mdc SetBranchAddress ( "mchirp"  ,

◆ SetBranchAddress() [6/6]

mdc SetBranchAddress ( "spin"  ,

◆ SetContour()

h_radius SetContour ( NCont  )

◆ SetEntries()

h_radius SetEntries ( )

◆ SetFillColor() [1/3]

c2 SetFillColor ( )

◆ SetFillColor() [2/3]

htemp2 SetFillColor ( kRed  )

◆ SetFillColor() [3/3]

htemp3 SetFillColor ( kBlue  )

◆ SetFillStyle()

htemp3 SetFillStyle ( 3017  )

◆ SetGridx()

cout<< "MDC set: " << gIFACTOR << endl; cout << "xml conf: waveform=" << waveforms[gIFACTOR - 1] << " minMtot=" << minMtot[gIFACTOR - 1] << " maxMtot=" << maxMtot[gIFACTOR - 1] << " minDistance=" << minDistance[gIFACTOR - 1] << " maxDistance=" << maxDistance[gIFACTOR - 1] << " minRatio=" << minRatio[gIFACTOR - 1] << " maxRatio=" << maxRatio[gIFACTOR - 1] << endl; } minchi = 1; float MINMtot = 0.0; if (bminMtot) { float MINMtot = 0.99 * minMtot[gIFACTOR - 1]; } float MAXMtot = 100.0; int NBINS_MTOT = 0; MAXMtot = MAX_MASS; NBINS_MTOT = TMath::FloorNint((MAX_MASS - MIN_MASS) / MASS_BIN / 2.); cout << "NBINS_MTOT: " << NBINS_MTOT << endl; if (!bmaxMtot) { cout << "Undefined maximal total mass!! Using default, i.e. " "100.0" << endl; } float MINDISTANCE = 0.0; if (bminDistance) { MINDISTANCE = 0.9 * ShellminDistance; cout << "MINDISTANCE = " << MINDISTANCE << endl; } else { cout << "Undefined minimal distance!! Using default, i.e. 0" << endl; } float MAXDISTANCE = 5000000; if (bmaxDistance) { MAXDISTANCE = maxDistance[gIFACTOR - 1]; cout << "MAXDISTANCE = " << MAXDISTANCE << endl; } else { cout << "Undefined maximal distance !! Using default, i.e. 5 " "Gpc." "You can define a MAXDISTANCE in pp par file, e.g. " "#define FIXMINDISTANCE 5000000" << endl; } float MINCHIRP = 100.0; float MAXCHIRP = 0.0; float MINRATIO = 1.0; float MAXRATIO = 10.0; if ((bminRatio) && (bmaxRatio)) { MAXRATIO = maxRatio[gIFACTOR - 1]; MINRATIO = minRatio[gIFACTOR - 1]; } else { cout << "Undefined min/max Ratio.. Using default [1; 10] " << endl; } MINCHIRP = MINMtot * pow(MAXRATIO, 3. / 5.) / pow(1 + MAXRATIO, 6. / 5.); MAXCHIRP = MAXMtot / pow(2, 6. / 5.); for (int l = 0; l < nfactor - 1; l++) { if ((minDistanceXML[l] == minDistanceXML[l + 1]) && (maxDistanceXML[l] == maxDistanceXML[l + 1])) { FixedFiducialVolume = 1; } else { FixedFiducialVolume = 1; cout << "Beware: different fiducial volumes for " "different factors!!" << endl; } } if (strlen(veto_not_vetoed) == 0) { sprintf(veto_not_vetoed, "%s", ch2); } TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "c1", 3, 47, 1000, 802); c1-> SetGridx ( )

◆ SetGridy()

c1 SetGridy ( )

◆ SetLineColor() [1/3]

htemp3 SetLineColor ( kBlue  )

◆ SetLineColor() [2/3]

htemp SetLineColor ( kBlack  )

◆ SetLineColor() [3/3]

htemp2 SetLineColor ( kRed  )

◆ SetLineWidth() [1/2]

htemp SetLineWidth ( )

◆ SetLineWidth() [2/2]

htemp3 SetLineWidth ( )

◆ SetLogx() [1/3]

c1 SetLogx ( )

◆ SetLogx() [2/3]

c1 SetLogx ( )

◆ SetLogx() [3/3]

c1 SetLogx ( false  )

◆ SetLogy() [1/2]

c1 SetLogy ( )

◆ SetLogy() [2/2]

c1 SetLogy ( false  )

◆ SetMarkerColor() [1/9]

D_dchirp_rec SetMarkerColor ( )

◆ SetMarkerColor() [2/9]

D_Mtot_rec3 SetMarkerColor ( )

◆ SetMarkerColor() [3/9]

gr2 SetMarkerColor ( )

◆ SetMarkerColor() [4/9]

sim SetMarkerColor ( kRed  )

◆ SetMarkerColor() [5/9]

t0 SetMarkerColor ( kBlue  )

◆ SetMarkerColor() [6/9]

t1 SetMarkerColor ( kGreen+  2)

◆ SetMarkerColor() [7/9]

t10 SetMarkerColor ( kCyan  )

◆ SetMarkerColor() [8/9]

t100 SetMarkerColor ( kOrange  )

◆ SetMarkerColor() [9/9]

h_radius SetMarkerColor ( kWhite  )

◆ SetMarkerSize() [1/2]

rho_mchirp SetMarkerSize ( 0.  5)

◆ SetMarkerSize() [2/2]

h_radius SetMarkerSize ( 1.  0)

◆ SetMarkerStyle()

FarPlot SetMarkerStyle ( 20  )

◆ SetName() [1/2]

D_Mtot_inj SetName ( "D_Mtotinj"  )

◆ SetName() [2/2]

efficiency SetName ( "efficiency"  )

◆ SetOptFit() [1/2]

gStyle SetOptFit ( )

◆ SetOptFit() [2/2]

gStyle SetOptFit ( )

◆ SetOptStat() [1/2]

cout<< "Selection: " << sel << endl; gStyle-> SetOptStat ( )

◆ SetOptStat() [2/2]

gStyle SetOptStat ( )

◆ SetPaintTextFormat()

gStyle SetPaintTextFormat ( "4.2f"  )

◆ SetRightMargin()

c2 SetRightMargin ( 0.  154618)

◆ SetStats()

rho_mchirp SetStats ( kFALSE  )

◆ SetTextColor()

p_radius SetTextColor ( )

◆ SetTextFont()

p_radius SetTextFont ( 32  )

◆ SetTextSize()

p_radius SetTextSize ( 0.  045)

◆ SetTitle() [1/5]

Like SetTitle ( ""  )

◆ SetTitle() [2/5]

rho_vED SetTitle ( )

◆ SetTitle() [3/5]

rho_pf SetTitle ( "chi2"  )

◆ SetTitle() [4/5]

cout<< "nwave_final : " << nwave_final << endl; sprintf(title, "%s", newcut); sprintf(title, "%s", myptitle.Data()); htemp-> SetTitle ( title  )

◆ SetTitle() [5/5]

htemp4 SetTitle ( "Estimated vs Injected network SNR )

◆ SetTitleOffset()

rhocc SetTitleOffset ( 1.  3,

◆ SetTopMargin()

c2 SetTopMargin ( 0.  07642487)

◆ sim()

TChain sim ( "waveburst"  )

◆ sprintf() [1/23]

sprintf ( fname3  ,
"%s/injected_signals.txt"  ,

◆ sprintf() [2/23]

sprintf ( line  ,
"#GPS@L1 mass1 mass2 distance spinx1 spiny1 spinz1 " "spinx2 spiny2 spinz2 \   

◆ sprintf() [3/23]

sprintf ( fname  ,
"%s/ROCV.png ,

◆ sprintf() [4/23]

sprintf ( fname  ,
"%s/ROC.png ,

◆ sprintf() [5/23]

sprintf ( inj_title  ,
"Injected events"   

◆ sprintf() [6/23]

sprintf ( fname  ,
"%s/Injected_mass1_mass2.eps"  ,

◆ sprintf() [7/23]

sprintf ( fname  ,
"%s/Dchirp_candle.png ,

◆ sprintf() [8/23]

sprintf ( fname  ,
"%s/Dchirp_candle2.png ,

◆ sprintf() [9/23]

sprintf ( fname  ,
"%s/Delta_t.png ,

◆ sprintf() [10/23]

sprintf ( sel  ,
"%  s 

◆ sprintf() [11/23]

sprintf ( newcut  ,
"(((time[0]-time[%d])>-%g) || (time[0]-time[%d])<%g) " "&&  rho[%d],
%g ,
nIFO  ,
T_win  ,
nIFO  ,
2 *  T_win,
pp_irho  ,

◆ sprintf() [12/23]

sprintf ( sel  )

◆ sprintf() [13/23]

sprintf ( lab  ,
"Injections Average SNR: %g ,
htemp->  GetMean() 

◆ sprintf() [14/23]

sprintf ( lab  ,
"Injected: %i ,

◆ sprintf() [15/23]

sprintf ( lab  ,
"Found(minimal cuts): %i ,

◆ sprintf() [16/23]

sprintf ( lab  ,
"Found(final cuts): %i ,

◆ sprintf() [17/23]

sprintf ( fname  ,
"%s/Injected_snr_distributions.png ,

◆ sprintf() [18/23]

sprintf ( fname  ,
"%s/Estimated_snr_vs_Injected_snr.eps"  ,

◆ sprintf() [19/23]

sprintf ( fname  ,
"%s/Relative_snr_Loss.png ,

◆ sprintf() [20/23]

sprintf ( fname  ,
"%s/Distance_vs_total_mass_ifar.eps"  ,

◆ sprintf() [21/23]

sprintf ( eff_title  ,

◆ sprintf() [22/23]

sprintf ( radius_title  ,
"%s : Effective radius (Mpc)"  ,

◆ sprintf() [23/23]

sprintf ( fname  ,
"%s/Effective_radius.png ,

◆ strcpy()

strcpy ( cfg->  tmp_dir,

◆ Update()

c2 Update ( )

Variable Documentation

◆ actual_nfactor

int actual_nfactor = 0

Definition at line 1458 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ background

cout<< "Total live time ---> background

Definition at line 1055 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ bmaxDistance

bool bmaxDistance

Definition at line 193 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ bmaxMass1

bool bmaxMass1

Definition at line 193 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ bmaxMass2

bool bmaxMass2

Definition at line 193 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ bmaxMtot

bool bmaxMtot

Definition at line 193 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ bmaxRatio

bool bmaxRatio

Definition at line 193 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ bminDistance

bool bminDistance

Definition at line 193 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ bminMass1

bool bminMass1

Definition at line 193 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ bminMass2

bool bminMass2

Definition at line 193 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ bminMtot

bool bminMtot

Definition at line 193 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ bminRatio

bool bminRatio

Definition at line 193 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ c2

TCanvas* c2 = new TCanvas("c2", "c2", 3, 47, 1000, 802)

Definition at line 554 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ cfg

Definition at line 170 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ chi

float chi[3]

Definition at line 780 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.


float CHI_BIN = 0.66666

Definition at line 99 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ Clear

void Clear

Definition at line 1423 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.


float CYS
Initial value:
86400. * 365.25

Definition at line 167 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ cz

int cz

Definition at line 775 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ D_dchirp_rec

TH3F* D_dchirp_rec
Initial value:
new TH3F("Distance vs dchirp rec.", "", 5, 10.0, 50., 100, -50, 50.,
5000, MINDISTANCE / 1000., MAXDISTANCE / 1000)

Definition at line 721 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ D_Mtot_inj

TH2F* D_Mtot_inj
Initial value:
new TH2F("Distance vs Mtot inj.", "", 1000, MINMtot, MAXMtot, 5000,

Definition at line 631 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ D_Mtot_rec3

TH3F* D_Mtot_rec3
Initial value:
= new TH3F("Distance vs Mtot rec. vs ifar", "", 100,
MINMtot, MAXMtot, 1000, MINDISTANCE / 1000.,
MAXDISTANCE / 1000., 1000, 0., MAXIFAR)
double MAXIFAR

Definition at line 767 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ dchirp_rec

TH2F* dchirp_rec
Initial value:
new TH2F("dchirp rec.", "Chirp Mass estimate", 5, xq, 100, yq)
Float_t xq[6]
Float_t * yq

Definition at line 702 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ DDistrChirpMass

bool DDistrChirpMass

Definition at line 193 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ DDistrUniform

bool DDistrUniform

Definition at line 193 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ DDistrVolume

bool DDistrVolume

Definition at line 193 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ distance

float distance

Definition at line 777 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ eff_title

char eff_title[256]

Definition at line 1950 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ efficiency

TH2F* efficiency = (TH2F*)rec_events->Clone()

Definition at line 1939 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ efficiency_first_shell

TH2F* efficiency_first_shell = (TH2F*)factor_events_rec->Clone()

Definition at line 1976 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ else

Initial value:
cout << "Missing ifar branch: either use cbc_plots or add it "
"to wave tree..."
<< endl

Definition at line 760 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ ex1

TExec* ex1 = new TExec("ex1", "gStyle->SetPaintTextFormat(\".2f\");")

Definition at line 1947 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ f2

TF1* f2
Initial value:
= cbcTool.doRangePlot(RHO_NBINS, Trho, Rrho, eRrho, RHO_MIN, T_cut,
c1, networkname, netdir, write_ascii)
#define RHO_NBINS
TCanvas * c1
char netdir[1024]
#define RHO_MIN
double T_cut
bool write_ascii

Definition at line 2463 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ factor

float factor

Definition at line 777 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ factor_events_inj

efficiency_first_shell Divide&[nfactor - 1] factor_events_inj = new TH2F[nfactor]

Definition at line 617 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ factor_events_rec

TH2F* factor_events_rec
Initial value:
new TH2F("factor_events_rec", "", NBINS_mass, MIN_MASS, MAX_MASS,
float MIN_MASS
float MAX_MASS
int NBINS_mass
float min_mass2
int NBINS_mass2
float max_mass2

Definition at line 627 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.


float* FACTORS = new float[nfactor]

Definition at line 198 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ Fill

finj<< line << endl; ofstream* finj_single = new ofstream[nfactor]; TString xml; for (int l = 0; l < nfactor; l++) { sprintf(fname3, "%s/injected_signals_%d.txt", netdir, l + 1); finj_single[l].open(fname3, std::ofstream::out); finj_single[l] << line << endl; } for (int g = 0; g < (int)mdc.GetEntries(); g++) { mdc.GetEntry(g); ifactor = (int)factor - 1; if (Redshift) { if (PointMasses) { mass[0] = SFmasses[ifactor][0]; mass[1] = SFmasses[ifactor][1]; } mchirp = pow(mass[0] * mass[1], 3. / 5.) / pow(mass[0] + mass[1], 1. / 5.); } inj_events-> Fill(mass[0], mass[1])

Definition at line 848 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ finj

ofstream finj

Definition at line 809 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ FixedFiducialVolume

bool FixedFiducialVolume

Definition at line 193 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.


float FMC = 0.0

Definition at line 1459 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ fname3

char fname3[2048]

Definition at line 791 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ GetPrimitive

cout<< "nwave : " << nwave << endl; sprintf(title, "%s", newcut); sprintf(newcut2, "%s && %s", newcut, veto_not_vetoed); cout << "final cut " << newcut2 << endl; TString sel_fin = sel; sel_fin.ReplaceAll("hist2", "hist3"); sim.Draw(sel_fin, newcut2, "same"); TH2F* htemp3 = (TH2F*)gPad-> GetPrimitive("hist3")

Definition at line 1679 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.


int gIFACTOR = -1

Definition at line 177 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ gr

TGraphErrors* gr
Initial value:
new TGraphErrors(vV.size(), &vfar[0], &vV[0], &vefar[0], &veV[0])
std::vector< double > vfar
std::vector< double > veV
cout<< endl;if(write_ascii) { fev.close();for(int l=0;l< nfactor;l++) { fev_single[l].close();} } cout<< "Recovered entries: "<< cnt<< endl;cout<< "Recovered entries: "<< cnt2<< endl;cout<< "Recovered entries cut by frequency: "<< cntfreq<< endl;cout<< "Recovered entries vetoed: "<< countv<< endl;cout<< "dV : "<< dV<< " dV1 : "<< dV1<< endl;internal_volume=4./3. *TMath::Pi() *pow(minDistance[0]/1000., 3.);if(INCLUDE_INTERNAL_VOLUME) { for(int i=0;i< vdv.size();i++) { if(vdv[i] > 0.0) { vdv[i]+=internal_volume;} } for(int i=0;i< RHO_NBINS;i++) { if(Vrho[i] > 0.0) { Vrho[i]+=internal_volume;} } for(int i=0;i< NBINS_MTOT+1;i++) { for(int j=0;j< NBINS_SPIN+1;j++) { if(spin_mtot_volume[i][j] > 0.0) { spin_mtot_volume[i][j]+=internal_volume;} } } for(int i=0;i< NBINS_mass;i++) { for(int j=0;j< NBINS_mass2;j++) { if(volume[i][j] > 0.0) { volume[i][j]+=internal_volume;} } } } Int_t *mindex=new Int_t[vdv.size()];TMath::Sort((int) vdv.size(), &vifar[0], mindex, true);std::vector< double > vV
std::vector< double > vefar

Definition at line 1425 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ gr2

TGraphErrors* gr2
Initial value:
new TGraphErrors(vR.size(), &vfar[0], &vR[0], &vefar[0], &veR[0])
std::vector< double > vR
std::vector< double > vfar
std::vector< double > veR
std::vector< double > vefar

Definition at line 1480 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ h_radius

TH2F* h_radius
Initial value:
= new TH2F("h_radius", "", NBINS_mass, MIN_MASS, MAX_MASS,
float MIN_MASS
float MAX_MASS
int NBINS_mass
float min_mass2
int NBINS_mass2
float max_mass2

Definition at line 2019 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ hcandle

TH1* hcandle = D_dchirp_rec->Project3D("yx")

Definition at line 1597 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ htemp4

TH2F* htemp4 = (TH2F*)gPad->GetPrimitive("hist4")

Definition at line 1776 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ htemp5

TH2F* htemp5 = (TH2F*)gPad->GetPrimitive("hist5")

Definition at line 1829 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ ifactor

int ifactor

Definition at line 781 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ inj_events

TH2F* inj_events
Initial value:
= new TH2F("inj_events", "D_Minj", NBINS_mass, MIN_MASS,
float MIN_MASS
float MAX_MASS
int NBINS_mass
float min_mass2
int NBINS_mass2
float max_mass2

Definition at line 565 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ inj_title

char inj_title[256]

Definition at line 1572 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ Insp

TString Insp = MDC.GetInspiral()

Definition at line 209 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ l

int l

Definition at line 775 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ lab

char lab[256]

Definition at line 1744 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ leg_D2

TLegend* leg_D2
Initial value:
new TLegend(0.579719, 0.156425, 0.85, 0.327409, "", "brNDC")

Definition at line 1919 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ leg_snr

leg_snr = new TLegend(0.53,0.70,0.95,0.92, "", "brNDC")

Definition at line 1745 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ line

char line[1024]

Definition at line 792 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ liveZero

double liveZero

Definition at line 793 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ m

int m

Definition at line 775 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ M1

float M1

Definition at line 2089 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ M2

float M2

Definition at line 2089 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ mass

float mass[2]

Definition at line 778 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.


float MASS_BIN = 15.0

Definition at line 62 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ massbins

int massbins = 0

Definition at line 1982 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.


int MAX_AXIS_Z = inj_events->GetBinContent(inj_events->GetMaximumBin()) + 1

Definition at line 1569 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.



Definition at line 59 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.


float MAX_MASS = 150.0

Definition at line 68 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ max_mass1

float max_mass1 = MAX_MASS

Definition at line 86 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ max_mass2

float max_mass2 = MAX_MASS

Definition at line 74 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ MAX_plot_mass1

float MAX_plot_mass1 = 150.0

Definition at line 53 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ MAX_plot_mass2

float MAX_plot_mass2 = 100.0

Definition at line 56 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.


float MAXCHI = 1.0

Definition at line 105 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ maxDistance

float* maxDistance = new float[nfactor]

Definition at line 189 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ maxDistanceXML

float* maxDistanceXML = new float[nfactor]

Definition at line 187 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.


double MAXIFAR = 0.0

Definition at line 755 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ maxMChirp

float* maxMChirp = new float[nfactor]

Definition at line 185 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ maxMtot

float* maxMtot = new float[nfactor]

Definition at line 183 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ maxRatio

float* maxRatio = new float[nfactor]

Definition at line 191 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ mchirp

float mchirp

Definition at line 777 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ mcount

int mcount = 0

Definition at line 1393 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.


CWB::mdc MDC(net)


float MIN_MASS = 0.0

Definition at line 65 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ min_mass1

float min_mass1 = MIN_MASS

Definition at line 80 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ min_mass2

float min_mass2 = MIN_MASS

Definition at line 92 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ MIN_plot_mass1

float MIN_plot_mass1 = 0.0

Definition at line 47 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ MIN_plot_mass2

float MIN_plot_mass2 = 0.0

Definition at line 50 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.


float MINCHI = -1.0

Definition at line 102 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ minchi

bool minchi

Definition at line 193 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ minDistance

float* minDistance = new float[nfactor]

Definition at line 188 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ minDistanceXML

float* minDistanceXML = new float[nfactor]

Definition at line 186 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ minMChirp

float* minMChirp = new float[nfactor]

Definition at line 184 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ minMtot

float* minMtot = new float[nfactor]

Definition at line 182 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ minRatio

float* minRatio = new float[nfactor]

Definition at line 190 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ mtt

int mtt

Definition at line 775 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ mytime

double mytime[6]

Definition at line 776 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ NBINS_mass

int NBINS_mass = (int)((MAX_MASS - MIN_MASS) / MASS_BIN)

Definition at line 44 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ NBINS_mass1

int NBINS_mass1 = (int)((max_mass1 - min_mass1) / MASS_BIN)

Definition at line 95 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ NBINS_mass2

int NBINS_mass2 = (int)((max_mass2 - min_mass2) / MASS_BIN)

Definition at line 96 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.



Definition at line 654 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ net

network* net = NULL

Definition at line 169 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.


NEVTS = 0.0

Definition at line 782 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ nGraphs

Int_t nGraphs = 0

Definition at line 2092 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ nmdc

int nmdc = mdc.GetSelectedRows()

Definition at line 1676 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ nwave

int nwave = sim.GetSelectedRows()

Definition at line 1720 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ nwave_final

int nwave_final = sim.GetSelectedRows()

Definition at line 1738 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ opt

TString opt = SearchType

Definition at line 201 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ p_eff

TPaveText* p_eff
Initial value:
new TPaveText(0.325301, 0.926166, 0.767068, 0.997409, "blNDC")

Definition at line 1957 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ p_inj

TPaveText* p_inj
Initial value:
new TPaveText(0.325301, 0.926166, 0.767068, 0.997409, "blNDC")

Definition at line 1575 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ p_radius

p_radius = new TPaveText(0.325301, 0.926166, 0.767068, 0.997409, "blNDC")

Definition at line 2081 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ point

int point

Definition at line 2096 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ PointMasses

bool PointMasses

Definition at line 193 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ radius_title

char radius_title[256]

Definition at line 2077 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ rec_events

TH2F* rec_events
Initial value:
= new TH2F("rec_events", "D_Mrec", NBINS_mass, MIN_MASS,
float MIN_MASS
float MAX_MASS
int NBINS_mass
float min_mass2
int NBINS_mass2
float max_mass2

Definition at line 593 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ Redshift

bool Redshift

Definition at line 193 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ rho_pf

TH2F* rho_pf
Initial value:
new TH2F("rho_pf", "", 100, -1., 2., 100, pp_rho_min, pp_rho_max)
double pp_rho_min
double pp_rho_max

Definition at line 686 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ rhocc

TH2F* rhocc
Initial value:
new TH2F("rhocc", "", 100, 0., 1., 100, pp_rho_min, pp_rho_max)
double pp_rho_min
double pp_rho_max

Definition at line 675 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ shell_volume

float* shell_volume = new float[nfactor]

Definition at line 192 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ ShellmaxDistance

float ShellmaxDistance = 0.0

Definition at line 200 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ ShellminDistance

float ShellminDistance = 9999999.0

Definition at line 199 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ spin

float spin[6]

Definition at line 779 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ t0

TH1* t0 = D_Mtot_rec3->Project3D("yx_0")

Definition at line 1904 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ t1

TH1* t1 = D_Mtot_rec3->Project3D("yx_1")

Definition at line 1908 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ t10

TH1* t10 = D_Mtot_rec3->Project3D("yx_10")

Definition at line 1912 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ t100

TH1* t100 = D_Mtot_rec3->Project3D("yx_100")

Definition at line 1916 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ text

text = p_inj->AddText(inj_title)

Definition at line 1582 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ Tl

TLatex Tl

Definition at line 2094 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ Tl2

TLatex Tl2

Definition at line 2095 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ TotalConts

Int_t TotalConts = 0

Definition at line 2093 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ Tscale

float Tscale = 1.0

Definition at line 1457 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ V0

double V0 = 0.0

Definition at line 1983 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ val

char val[20]

Definition at line 2091 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ vdv

std::vector<double> vdv

Definition at line 1061 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ vefar

std::vector<double> vefar

Definition at line 1384 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ veR

std::vector<double> veR

Definition at line 1456 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ veV

std::vector<double> veV

Definition at line 1380 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ vfar

std::vector<double> vfar

Definition at line 1383 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ vifar

std::vector<double> vifar

Definition at line 1062 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ vR

std::vector<double> vR

Definition at line 1455 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ vseifar

std::vector<double> vseifar

Definition at line 1382 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ vsifar

std::vector<double> vsifar

Definition at line 1381 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ vV

cout<< endl; if (write_ascii) { fev.close(); for (int l = 0; l < nfactor; l++) { fev_single[l].close(); } } cout << "Recovered entries: " << cnt << endl; cout << "Recovered entries: " << cnt2 << endl; cout << "Recovered entries cut by frequency: " << cntfreq << endl; cout << "Recovered entries vetoed: " << countv << endl; cout << "dV : " << dV << " dV1 : " << dV1 << endl; internal_volume = 4. / 3. * TMath::Pi() * pow(minDistance[0] / 1000., 3.); if (INCLUDE_INTERNAL_VOLUME) { for (int i = 0; i < vdv.size(); i++) { if (vdv[i] > 0.0) { vdv[i] += internal_volume; } } for (int i = 0; i < RHO_NBINS; i++) { if (Vrho[i] > 0.0) { Vrho[i] += internal_volume; } } for (int i = 0; i < NBINS_MTOT + 1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < NBINS_SPIN + 1; j++) { if (spin_mtot_volume[i][j] > 0.0) { spin_mtot_volume[i][j] += internal_volume; } } } for (int i = 0; i < NBINS_mass; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < NBINS_mass2; j++) { if (volume[i][j] > 0.0) { volume[i][j] += internal_volume; } } } } Int_t* mindex = new Int_t[vdv.size()]; TMath::Sort((int)vdv.size(), &vifar[0], mindex, true); std::vector<double> vV

Definition at line 1379 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ waveforms

TString* waveforms = new TString[nfactor]

Definition at line 197 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ write_ascii

bool write_ascii = false

Definition at line 790 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ x0

Double_t x0

Definition at line 2090 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ xq

Float_t xq[6] = {8.0, 15.0, 25.0, 35.0, 45.0, 55.0}

Definition at line 697 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ Y0

Double_t Y0

Definition at line 2090 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ yq

Float_t* yq = new Float_t[101]

Definition at line 698 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.

◆ z0

Double_t z0

Definition at line 2090 of file cwb_report_cbc.C.