
This page provides an overview of the internal and external libraries required to run an analysis with cWB. The architecture is summarised by the following image. For a more detailed explanation, see below in this page.


cWB libraries

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The following links provide relevant information on the cWB libraries:

  • cWB Data classes : overview of the classes used to handle gravitational-wave data

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  • cWB pipeline classes : overview of the classes used by the cWB pipeline
    • The pipeline base cwb
    • The 1G pipeline cwb1G (obsolete, is no longer maintained)
    • The 2G pipeline cwb2G

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  • GIT Repository : web interface of the git repository hosting the cWB libraries
  • GIT Structure
    • overview of the cWB directories on git

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       - atlas_watenv.csh          script to source the wat libraries (tcsh shell, ATLAS cluster)
       -           script to source the wat libraries (bash shell, ATLAS cluster)

       - cit_watenv.csh            script to source the wat libraries (tcsh shell, CIT cluster)
       -             script to source the wat libraries (bash shell, CIT cluster)

       - cnaf_watenv.csh           script to source the wat libraries (tcsh shell, CNAF cluster)
       -            script to source the wat libraries (bash shell, CNAF cluster)

       - cascina_watenv.csh        script to source the wat libraries (tcsh shell, CASCINA cluster)
       -         script to source the wat libraries (bash shell, CASCINA cluster)

       - wat                       Wavelet Algorithm Tools library

       - html                      cWB reference sources 

       - tools                     Tools

         - config.csh              tcsh script for pipeline configuration
         -               bash script for pipeline configuration

         - cwb                     1G/2G pipelines classes  

           - scripts               pipeline shell scripts
           - macros                pipeline ROOT macro scripts

           - www                   tools required to produce the html templates for CEDs

           - plugin                examples of CWB plugins
           - examples              examples of analyses conducted with the 1G and 2G pipelines
           - tutorials             ROOT macros tutorials  

           - info                  CWB manual sources

         - eBBH                    library generating simulated waveforms from eccentric black hole binaries (used by the mdc class)
           - tutorials             tutorials based on ROOT macros                                         

         - toolbox                 collection of methods used by the pipelines
           - tutorials             tutorials based on ROOT macros                      

         - frame                   C++ wrapper to access the frame library 
           - tutorials             tutorials based on ROOT macros                                         

         - gwat                    library providing methods to draw skymaps
           - tutorials             tutorials based on ROOT macros                                       

         - history                 class to store infos (used by the pipelines)
           - tutorials             tutorials based on ROOT macros                       

         - stft                    class for short-time Fourier transform (used to generate spectrograms)
           - tutorials             tutorials based on ROOT macros                                 

         - AUXILIARY SW

         - bico                    library enabling the enforcement of bicoherence (used by wavebico)
           - tutorials             tutorials based on ROOT macros                         

         - wavebico                class used to read frame files and generate bicoherence plots

         - filter                  class providing analysis filters (used by frdisplay)
           - tutorials             tutorials based on ROOT macros              

         - frdisplay               class for On-The-Fly display of spectrograms, spectra and waveforms 
                                   from frame files                                              

         - wavemdc                 class generating MDC frames for simulation studies

Auxiliary libraries

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The internal libraries make use of external libraries. Information on the external libraries and on where to find them  CIT are available below:

Two external libraries are necessary to run cWB: ROOT and FRAMELIB. The ROOT libraries, in particular, are used in two modes: the compiled mode, as a general library, and the interpreted mode, as an interpreter for C and C++ code. The cWB classes are accessible via the interpreter and can be used interactively via the root shell or as ROOT macros (tutorials. The pre and post-production commands are implemented as ROOT macros : pipeline macros