
This page provides a description of the cwb_eced command.


This command generates the CED of an event via command line (easy CED).


  • cwb_eced (no arguments)
    Prints help
  • cwb_eced eced_opts [detector_opts]
    Generates the CED via command line

Further information

The following options can be passed to the cwb_eced command:

eced_opts =   gps_time    :  this is the GPS time of the event


             '--gps gps --search search --sim sim --tag tag --cfg cfgfile'

             In the above line, the various options have the following meaning:
             --gps is the GPS time of the event
             --search is the search type (r, i, s, g, R, I, S or G for the 1G pipeline, r for the 2G pipeline)
             --tag is a label used to name the directory in which the CED is generated. If the tag is not
                   specified, the default tag is used (corresponding to the current GPS time).
             --cfg is the name of the configuration file. The default configuration file used to generate
                   the easy CED is trunk/tools/cwb/macros/cwb_parameters.C. To chage the default values,
                   add the desired parameter values in a new file cfg.C and use the option --cfg cfg.C
             --ced false : disable CED, only root file is created

detector_opts =  '--ifo ifo --type type --chraw chraw --chmdc chmdc --factor factor'

             In the above line, the various options have the following meaning:
             --ifo is the detector name. If the gw_data_find tool is used, the input must be one
                   of the following: L1, H1, V1, G1
             --type is the type which identifies the considered detector's data. It the same as the one used
                    by the gw_data_find tool. The following command lists the available types:
                    gw_data_find -y. Alternatively, the type can be the name of the file containing the list of
                    the considered frame files. Note that the name of this file must be of the format .
                    If no type is defined, the following default values are used:
                           L1 -> L1_LDAS_C02_L2
                           H1 -> H1_LDAS_C02_L2
                           V1 -> Hreconline
                           G1 -> G1_RDS_C01_L3
             --chraw is the name of the channel to be read in the frame files. If no channel is defined,
                    the following default values are used:
                           L1 -> L1:LDAS-STRAIN
                           H1 -> H1:LDAS-STRAIN
                           V1 -> V1:h_16384Hz
                           G1 -> G1:DER_DATA_H
             --chmdc is the name of the mdc frame channel
             --factor is the numerical factor used to rescale the hrss or the snr of the injected simulated signal
             --shift is the detector shift time in seconds for non zero lag events (NOTE : must be integer!!!)
The cwb_eced command creates a directory named according to the following format:
  • net corresponds to the considered network (e.g., L1H1V1)
  • tag is part of the name of the directory in which the CED is saved, see above in this page.
  • gps is the GPS time of the considered event

An example of the directory’s name is as follows:
The following sub-directories are created in the main folder:
  • tmp: this directory contains temporary files
  • ced: this directory contains the CED of the event.

A symbolic link is created in the user’s public directory to make the CED accessible via a web browser, e.g.:
Note that the cwb_eced command cannot be used in the simulation mode.


  • The examples reported in this section have been performed on the ATLAS computing cluster.

  • The following command lines generate the easy CED of the hardware injection performed at 968654557 GPS time on the L1H1V1 network (Big Dog event):

    cwb_eced 968654557 L1 H1 V1


    cwb_eced 968654557 '--ifo L1' '--ifo H1' '--ifo V1'

  • The CED is saved at ATLAS here:


    and is available on the internet at the following link:

    CED link

  • The following command lines generate the easy CED of the hardware injection performed at 968654557 GPS time on the L1H1 network (Big Dog event):
cwb_eced 968654557 '--ifo L1' '--ifo H1'``


cwb_eced '--gps 968654557' '--ifo L1' '--ifo H1'``


cwb_eced 968654557 '--ifo L1 --type L1_LDAS_C02_L2' '--ifo H1 --type H1_LDAS_C02_L2'


cwb_eced 968654557 '--ifo L1 --type L1_LDAS_C02_L2 --channel L1:LDAS-STRAIN' '--ifo H1 --type H1_LDAS_C02_L2 --channel H1:LDAS-STRAIN'
  • The following command line generates the easy CED of the hardware injection performed at 968654557 GPS time on H1 data (Big Dog event):
    cwb_eced 968654557 H1

    The CED is saved at ATLAS here:


    and is available on the internet at the following link:

    CED link.

    The same CED can be generated also starting from the H1.frames file, which contains the list of the frame files:

    cwb_eced 968654557 '--ifo H1 --type H1.frames'

  • The following command line generates the easy CED of the noise event reconstructed at 934327040 GPS time on L1 data:
    cwb_eced 934327040 L1
    The CED is saved at ATLAS here:

    /home/waveburst/REPORTS/ECED_L1_TAG1048598553_GPS934327040 and is available on the internet at the following link: CED link.

  • The following command line generates the easy CED of an S5 event in H1 at GPS=825676252 specifing the type,chraw used in S5, ced is disabled, only root file is created: cwb_eced "--gps 825676252 --tag _CR --ced false" "--ifo H1 --type H1_RDS_C03_L2 --chraw H1:LSC-STRAIN"
  • The following command line generates the easy CED of a non zero lag L1H1V1 noise event reconstructed at 934970296 GPS time on L1 data, 934970296+272 GPS time on H1 data, 934970296+79 GPS time on V1 data:
    cwb_eced "--gps 934970296 --cfg config/user_parameters_eced.C --ced true --tag BKG" "--ifo L1 --shift 0" "--ifo H1 --shift -272" "--ifo V1 --shift -79" The CED is saved at ATLAS here: /home/waveburst/REPORTS/S6A_BKG_LF_L1H1V1_2G_RSRA_eced and is available on the internet at the following link: CED link.


if “-ced false” is declared then only the standard wave*.root is created.