cwb_condor benchmark


This command is to draw plots showing what is the memory usage and elapsed time for each job.


  • cwb_condor benchmark 'options'

where options are, as written in the help code:

options =
                --fstage FSTAGE  (select output file stage : def=FULL)
                --jstage JSTAGE  (select stage in the pipeline : def=FULL)
                --res    RES     (select resolution in the pipeline : def=-1)
                --factor FACTOR  (select factor index in the pipeline : def=-1)
                --bench  BENCH   (benchmark type : def=JET)
                --min    MIN     (min benchmark value : def=auto)
                --max    MAX     (max benchmark value : def=auto)
                --plot   TYPE    (plot type HIST/GRAPH/HIST2 : def=HIST)
                --save   SAVEOPT (save plot : use dir name(name is builtin)
                                  or file path with extention .png)

                no arguments     print help (exit with 'q')

In details:

  • FSTAGE/JSTAGE: selects one intermediate stage of the pipeline.

    The possibility are:

    currently only FULL stage is implemented for FSTAGE option
  • BENCH: selects plot subject. Possibilities:

    • JET : Job Elapsed Time
    • MEM : Memory
    • JFS : Job File Size
    • SET : Stage Elapsed Time
    • THR : Threshold �| Coherence Stage
    • GT : Gating Time �| Coherence Stage (to be used only when the Gating Plugin is applied)
    • PSIZE : Number of selected pixels per lag �| Coherence Stage
    • CSIZE : Number of selected clusters per lag �| Coherence Stage
  • MIN/MAX: minimum and maximum values in the plot. Useful to compare plots of different analyses.

  • TYPE: plot type. Possibilities:

    • HIST : 1D Histogram of BENCH
    • GRAPH : Point Graph reporting on x-axis the job number and on y-axis the BENCH
    • HIST2 : 2d Histogram where x- and y-axes are the job numbers (on y-axis the job runs over 100, while on x-axis runs progressively) and on z-axis the values of BENCH


* cwb_condor benchmark '--jstage COHERENCE --bench THR --res 3 --factor 3'
  - plot the THRESHOLD used to select pixels in the COHERENCE Stage

* cwb_condor benchmark '--jstage COHERENCE --bench GT --res 0 --save report/dump --plot GRAPH'
  - plot the Gating Time vs JobID used to veto the selection of the pixels in the COHERENCE Stage

    Note : To be used only when the Gating Plugin is applied

* cwb_condor benchmark '--jstage FULL --bench JET --xmax 4'
  - plot the Job Estimated Time at the end of the Stage LIKELIHOOD, max xaxis is set to 4 hours

* cwb_condor benchmark '--jstage LIKELIHOOD --bench SET'
  - plot the Stage Estimated Time in the Stage LIKELIHOOD

* cwb_condor benchmark '--jstage FULL --bench JET --save report/dump'
  - plot the FULL Job Estimated Time, the plot is saved under report/dump dir

* cwb_condor benchmark '--bench JET --save file.png'
  - plot the Job Estimated Time at the end of the last Stage, the plot is saved under report/dump dir

* how to produce plots when analysis is done in 2 stages : supercluster + reconstruction
  - cwb_condor benchmark '--jstage FULL --bench JET --save report/dump --fstage SUPERCLUSTER'
    - plot the Job Estimated Time using the informations contained in the supercluster root files produced
      in the supercluster stage, the plot is saved under report/dump dir
  - cwb_condor benchmark '--jstage FULL --bench JET --save report/dump'
    - plot the Job Estimated Time using the informations contained in the wave root files produced
      in the final stage, the plot is saved under report/dump dir